Release Note Introduction

Helppier – Version 2.0

Release note: Helppier is a disruptive innovation to accelerate training experience by enabling companies to create walkthrough guides and useful tips in three steps, without coding or programming skills. We are one step ahead of the customer service industry and commit ourselves to promote interactivity, simplicity and, above all, user happiness with vision and tenacity.
The development of this technology allows companies to save money and resources, improve user experience and turn visitors into customers.

Added features:

– Widget main interface now consists of a clickable and movable bubble that disrupts into a sidebar;
– Tooltips system: create tooltips easily on any part of the website;
– Draft/publish separators: now you can save your drafts and publish your guides later;
– Autoplay: tutorials can start automatically, via timer function, unloading or action based triggers;
– Multidevice: choose on which device should the guides appear. You can choose between web, mobile and/or tablet;

– Different layouts for tutorials: you can opt between text, text + images, video, HTML, and others;
– Automatic typing –   simulate that someone is typing when a tutorial step is launched on a form field, so the user can be guided more easily on what kind of information should be typed;
– Option to create different versions of the same guide with different languages
– Different page associations: you can now associate a tutorial to different pages
– Segmentation is now available. Choose the target audience for each of your guides, like newcomers, persons that spend more time than they should on a certain page, and others;



– Backoffice was completely revamped:
Dashboard: You can have full access to the stats of the tutorials and tooltips that you created, as the number of runs, most clicked helps, and others.
Guide page: access the list of guides that you created and edit its settings
Users page: grant access to other persons to run and manage Helppier, granting permission via e-mail invitation;
Install page: just copy and paste the HTML code generated here to your website’s main code to get the widget running.
Activities page: log of all the activities regarding your account
Profile page: information about your subscription and personal data
Integrations page: you can check the status of the integrations available and change certain parameters
Subscriptions page: check your pricing plan, or upgrade/downgrade it.
– New visual styling to match the 2.0 design



– New default color palette: design, logos and other elements (like icons and vectors) modified according to this alteration;
– New different themes: possibility to customize the widget to match the color palette of your website;



– Widget is now available in English, German and Portuguese;
– Integrations: added integration with analytics’ platforms: Google Analytics and Mixpanel;
– Revamped logo
– Added loading animation to the Helppier bubble


Technical stuff

– Helppier API concluded
– Permalink
– Dynamic ids in URL
– Full HTTPS support
– Activity notifications

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